
Star jalsha natok protidan
Star jalsha natok protidan

star jalsha natok protidan

Currently popular serials are Kusum Dola, Gopal Bhar, Protidan, Khokababu, Bhojo Gobindo, Ke Apon Ke Por. A diamond star amidst a fictionalised event show titled Chalo Paltai (let?s bring a change). The characters Jhilik and Pari from the channel's serial Maa, Pakhi from Bojhena Se Bojhena, Kiranmala from Kiranmala and Baha from Ishti Kutum were popular with the audience.

star jalsha natok protidan

On 17 June 2012, Star Jalsha unveiled a refreshed identity, featuring a new logo? Plent of the apes 2011 movie free daunlod. Star Jalsha was officially launched on 8 September 2008.

star jalsha natok protidan

This gripping story focuses on the life and experiences of an optimistic and intelligent girl called Jhilik. Plot 'Maa' on Star Jalsha, entails a heart-wrenching story of a young girl's quest for her mother and her true identity. Tumi Asba Bola At Star Jalsha Kolkata, India India Sandipta Sen Tapur See.

Star jalsha natok protidan